14 June 2013

Special Occasion Breakfast

As most people probably know by now on Sunday is father’s day. And I don’t know about anyone else but whenever we have any special occasion in our house, we pretty much always have a big breakfast fry up. Now as amazing as that is, being the chef in the family no matter how late I arrive at these events, or how good my excuses are, I usually end up doing the cooking-even if that means we are having lunch instead of breakfast... and  well - It's more work than one imagines (especially with my family, when if my dad had his way he would be receiving and amuse bouche and sorbet at every meal ;)) 

On mother’s day which was bb (before blog) I decided to make crumpets instead. You can do so much with them, and you can even make the mixture the day before!! They are so easy to make (I know this mainly from my childhood experimental cooking, where I had my own “cooking show” in my Kitchen and I would make multi coloured crumpets and microwave cakes) and they are so yummy, and for some reason they just feel like you’re eating something special. 

Mixture Made Before Hand

  Find the recipe for the crumpet mixture here: Crumpets
 Then just add your favourite toppings :)
Feels Kind of Special

Some of my favourite toppings for Crumpets include fresh berries, BACON and golden syrup (this may sound weird, but you will so not regret it if you try it), NUTELLA, jam and just plain butter. They also just taste great on their own or dusted with icing sugar. And the best thing about them is that, unlike a fry up most people have the ingredients to make them in the pantry, and hopefully there are one or two good toppings lying around too - which means no trip to the shop.


Luckily for me, we happen to be going out for father’s day, but you should totally try it for father's day, or your next special occasion, or any day really. It’s easy, fun, and yum!


  1. Yummy - We can always have them before we go out :)

  2. About time you spoilt your DAD!!! :)
    Crumpets on FD sounds super... btw, you could prepare the mixture tomorrow, hahaha ;) xox
