25 October 2013


What exactly is a rib huddle?? I don't know, lets find out...

Define Rib:
  • each of a series of slender curved bones articulated in pairs to the spine (twelve pairs in humans), protecting the thoracic cavity and its organs.

Define Huddle:
  •  crowd together/netsle closel
 So, what is a rib huddle? 
To Crowd together/Nestle Closely with some slender curved bones that protect your organs!
NO! Of course not! Rib Huddle is just another amazing Idea that the mega minds behind Clark's Original Recipes have come up with!


We arrived to find our drinking tins, and a large jug of Albama slammer on our table, along with some very kitch, southern decor. It looked perfect, and it already smelled delicious!!

Drinking tins and table settings.
 I don't know exactly what was in that alabama slammer, but it seemed to put everyone in great spirits, and the weather played along beautifully too.

The fantastic music was performed live by Lonesome Dave, and couldn't have been anymore perfect, even if we were in the heart of red neck county. Seriously, if you've never heard him before, go check him out!

Lonesome Dave Ferguson and his harmonica
Lisa and I helped a little, by buying the wetwipes and stapling them together in packs for people to use. Lisa thought that this was the greatest thing ever, and that she made the evening with this invention, until we started seeing food arrive. Suddenly our super cool, high-tech, stapled together wet wipes weren't so cool any more. Especially not compared to the amazing boards these girls managed to find to serve the food on.

The First Course: Home made bread and a paprika and corn butter

Corn Bread, Pumpkin Bread and Yum bread

You know when some one spreads their butter so thickly that you can see their teeth marks after they have had a bite?? I'm not normally one of those people, but in this case I'm guilty as charged. The delicious savory butter piled on the sweetish fresh bread... Don't think I need to say more...

A quick Trip to the Clarks Bar
To Fill up my Fancy Wine Glass
 And its time for-
The Second Course: Sweet Corn, with Chilli Flakes, Parmesan, Lime Wedges and Coriander

Meilies with a twist
What a delicious take on a braai/BBQ favourite. You've got to love the places the imagination can take you when it comes to food and flavour combinations. The only limit here really is your mind.

Next up-
The Third Course: Red Cabbage Cole Slaw with radishes, apples and probably some other yummies that I'm forgetting.

Southern Style Slaw!
This was really amazing. It had a vinegrette kind of a dressing instead of a heavy MAYERNAZE vibe. Therefore it was really light and yummy, and everytime you bit into a piece of apple it was like there were little southern HOEDOWN fairies line dancing on your tongue.

This being a Clark's Original Recipes event, the real reason everyone was there was for the 4th course. What was this fourth course??

It's apron time everyone, this shit is about to get messy... and sticky... and delicious!

Aprons on, and we are ready!

Here they come, on a board bigger than Lisa :)


Sweet, Juicy, Delicious, Sticky Ribs
No Left Overs!

Clean Bones, Sticky Fingers, Happy Sara :)

And the best part is, that wasn't all. My personal Favourite course, the dessert it still coming... What kind of dessert is going to top ribs like that though?

The Fifth Course: Ice-Cream

Dipper Tray of Ice-Cream toppings!

To be honest, when this tray arrived, I though I might have died  and gone to heaven. Even without the Ice-Cream this would have been the best dessert. 

Basically the idea behind this, as you can see is that you get an Ice-Cream cone, and you get to top it with your favourite toppings, or in my case ALL the toppings.


In my hand you see an Ice-Cream, MY Ice-Cream, and on top of  MY Ice-Cream - Chocolate sauce, barone sauce, honey comb, chuckels, something that tasted like apple crumble and some other chocolatey bits... Yup, I must have died and gone to heaven.


This night ended of on a very sweet note with a happy little dance, to Lonesome Daves Awesome Tunes.

Now the big question is, where can we get our hands on some of that delicious sticky plum sauce???

You can find their product on the shelves of the Cape Quarter Spar, or you can find it on Yuppie Chef, who will deliver it strait to your door... BONUS!

The next big question is how??? I have high jacked Amy's amazing Clark's Sticky Plum Ribs recipe off their facebook page! I Have made it a few times, and they turn out amazingly everytime!

 Now, if you are super jealous that you weren't at this event(which I know you are) then go like the Clark's Original Recipes Face Book Page. I happen to know that this wasn't the last huddle that they will be hosting, so keep your eyes and ears open for a place at the next one!

Thanks Ladies, for a wonderful event. See you next time!

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